Kirov residents told what kinds of sports they are engaged in

Kirov residents told what kinds of sports they are engaged in

      The leader was charging, which is regularly practiced by 34% of respondents. This is followed by fitness (15%) and swimming (13%). Running, stretching, and cycling are equally popular, with 13% of respondents choosing them each. Yoga and weightlifting are preferred by 12% of the survey participants. Winter sports are also in demand: 8% are keen on skiing. Volleyball and martial arts attract 5% of Kirov residents each, football — 4%, Nordic walking and basketball — 3% each. Tennis, hockey, and figure skating were chosen by 2% of the townspeople, while speed skating was chosen by only 1%.

      Interestingly, women are more likely to exercise, fitness, stretching, and yoga, while men prefer weightlifting, soccer, martial arts, running, and cycling.

      Age groups also show different interests. Young people under 35 are more likely to do gymnastics, cycling and running, respondents aged 35 to 45 prefer fitness, swimming and skiing, and people over 45 are more likely to choose Nordic walking.

      It is noteworthy that only 18% of the respondents admitted that they do not engage in any sports or physical activity.

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Kirov residents told what kinds of sports they are engaged in

A survey of Kirov residents by the job search service SuperJob revealed the most popular sports and physical activity.