Kirov heart surgeons helped thousands of patients to restore their heart rhythm

Kirov heart surgeons helped thousands of patients to restore their heart rhythm

      Kirov cardiac surgeons have successfully performed many operations to install pacemakers (ECS), helping patients restore a normal heart rhythm. Doctors note that cardiac arrhythmias are a common problem that can seriously affect the quality of life and even pose a threat to life.

      The implantation of pacemakers in the Kirov Regional Clinical Hospital began back in the 1980s. Since then, the number of installed ECS has been estimated in the tens of thousands, and the procedure itself has become proven and safe.

      An example is the case of a 65-year-old patient who was admitted complaining of dizziness, weakness, and slow pulse. The diagnosis revealed a complete blockage of electrical impulses in the heart. The operation to implant a pacemaker took only 20 minutes and was performed under local anesthesia. The electrodes were passed to the heart through the subclavian vein and fixed. The very next day, the patient was transferred to rehabilitation.

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Kirov heart surgeons helped thousands of patients to restore their heart rhythm

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