The girl, who lost up to 35 kg, had kidney failure

The girl, who lost up to 35 kg, had kidney failure

      The girl was admitted to the Vladivostok hospital with kidney failure. It turned out that she was looking for an effective and fast way to lose weight. The classic options, such as proper nutrition and physical activity, did not suit her. And then she fell for the advertisement of miracle pills, which were supposed to transform the figure in a short time, the portal reports about the incident. .

      The woman took ten pills a day and was rapidly transformed. The pounds were melting before my eyes, and with them, my health. After all, the "remedy" was not magical, but only a diuretic. On diuretics, she lost up to 35 kilograms, after which the body finally failed.

      "No one warned her about the price she would have to pay for this illusion of easy weight loss. No one said that diuretics are not a magic wand, but a powerful tool that must be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor," the doctors emphasized.

      The girl ignored dizziness, nausea and weakness for a long time. She turned to specialists when it was too late. She was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. Now the young woman is forever "chained" to hemodialysis, which cleanses the blood of toxins.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

The girl, who lost up to 35 kg, had kidney failure

In pursuit of a slim figure, the young woman uncontrollably took diuretics.