Taurus will be lucky with finances, and Scorpios will be inspired.
On Tuesday, March 4, anyone will be forgiven for anything. Someone will find out the solution to a long-forgotten problem. Someone will shine with wit, and someone needs to be sincere in expressing their opinion.
Today you will be overwhelmed by a certain desire, which, if unfulfilled, would burn you, but, fortunately, must be fulfilled. However, one should not sit idly by, hoping for its fulfillment.
Today will be a good day financially. You will be able to solve a couple of problems and even, perhaps, think about the realization of some long-held dream.
Today, you will be forgiven for anything. You can bend almost any person to your will. However, this does not mean that it should be abused.
Today, the solution to a long-forgotten problem will pop up by itself, by pure chance, appearing in your field of vision. Don't hesitate to take advantage of it - when else will you have such a luxurious opportunity to get rid of the cause of a headache.
Get ready, you will be knocked down by a flurry of emotions. Strangers. If you are able to remain calm in such an environment, you are a giant.
Today you will not feel the need to reach into your pocket for a word. It can even hurt you, try to limit the storm of your wit at least a little.
Today, you will be limited only by the limits that you set for yourself. Do not abuse the opportunities that have opened before you.
You will be tormented by inspiration all day today. If you manage to survive, you may create a masterpiece.
Today you have a chance to experience the full force of gravity. We recommend that you refrain from flying in your sleep and falling in reality.
Today is the best day to spend with children, and not necessarily with your own. Unlike adults, they will be able to appreciate your efforts to come up with all kinds of entertainment, and it will be fun not only for them, but also for you.
Today you will have the opportunity to relax, but leisure time should be carefully planned. Otherwise, you won't get the slightest pleasure from it.
Express your opinion absolutely sincerely - it will be very important today. Let others know what you think about them and their activities.
Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Taurus will be lucky with finances, and Scorpios will be inspired.
Astrologers told us what events in the life of each zodiac sign will take place on the second working day of the current week.