Public services have launched a self-locking service for loans to protect against fraudsters

Public services have launched a self-locking service for loans to protect against fraudsters

      A self-locking service for issuing consumer loans and loans has been launched on the Public Services portal, designed to protect citizens from fraudulent activities and unwanted debt obligations. The new feature allows users to set a voluntary ban on obtaining loans, which automatically leads to the refusal of banks and microfinance institutions to issue new loans.

      When applying for self-locking, a corresponding mark appears in the citizen's credit history. After that, all banks and microfinance organizations are required to refuse to issue loans or microloans. The ban can be checked online, which provides additional control over your credit capabilities.

      The service provides flexible settings. The user can set a complete ban on all types of consumer loans and loans, or restrict the issue only in a remote format. In the latter case, the conclusion of the contract will be possible only with a personal visit to the office of the credit institution.

      It is important to note that the self-ban does not apply to mortgage, educational and car loans, as well as to already concluded contracts. This allows you to keep the possibility of using targeted credit products.

      To remove the self-lock, you must submit an appropriate application for Public Services using an electronic signature. You can create an electronic signature in the Gosklyuch application, which provides an additional level of security and prevents unauthorized lifting of the ban. The self-ban ceases to be valid on the second calendar day after making changes to the credit history.

      The new Public Services service provides citizens with the opportunity to more effectively control their financial risks and protect themselves from fraudulent activities related to the issuance of loans and borrowings.

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Public services have launched a self-locking service for loans to protect against fraudsters

A new feature on the Public Services portal allows citizens to voluntarily block the issuance of loans and loans in their name, protecting themselves from fraudulent schemes and impulsive decisions.